Group Coaching 19:30

with Max Phillips

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If you feel intimidated by the gym and need professional guidance and confidence, this is the class for you.

The session will be designed with you in mind, by your trainer and you will get full support while training in groups of up to 10 either in the Gym or the Studio. This is a great class for motivating each other and gaining confidence to do things you perhaps wouldn't normally do by yourself.

The class involves resistance, strength, cardio, functional and mobility training.

This class is suitable to all abilities and is adapted as either HIIT style, Bootcamp, Circuit style depending on the fitness level and ability of the participants.

Are you looking to achieve fitness goals in an intensive fun workout in as little as 45 minutes? Group coaching session is for you!

This  class will help to inspire you to develop your own workout plan with the confidence of knowing what you’re doing and why you’re doing it.

Before, during and after the class you will have the opportunity to ask questions about training, diet or lifestyle in general.

Come to workout with our personal trainers where you will be worked hard and will expand your knowledge at the same time